# Color RGBA

The Color RGBA field offers the addition of an alpha channel, initial color selection, saved colors and color palette to the color picker, allowing for not only opacity within the selected color, but an array of useful options for your end users.

This field makes use of Brian Grinstead's Spectrum "No hassle jQuery color picker" (opens new window).

# Arguments

Name Type
type string color_rgba Value identifying the field type.
options array Array of options that sets the behavior of the color picker. See 'Color Picker Options' below.
default array See Default Argument below.

# Color Picker Options

Name Type
input_text string Select Color String specifying the button caption.
show_input bool true Flag to allow free form typing input.
show_initial bool true Flag to set the display of the color initially set when opening the color picker.
show_alpha bool true Flag to set the alpha transparency selector.
show_palette bool true Flag to set the display of the color picker's color palette.
show_palette_only bool false Flag to display the color palette only, and nothing else.
show_selection_palette bool true Flag to display a palette of previously selected colors.
max_palette_size int 10 Integer value setting the number of colors to display horizontally in the color palette.
allow_empty bool true Flag to set the display of of 'clear' button, removing the color value.
clickout_fires_change bool false Flag that determines if clicking outside the color picker forces a color change.
choose_text string Choose String to display for the color picker Choose button.
cancel_text string Cancel String to display for the color picker Cancel button.
show_buttons bool true Flag that sets the display of the Choose and Cancel buttons.
palette array Individual arrays color values. See 'Color Palettes' below.

# Default Argument

The default argument requires an array with two key/pair values: color and alpha.

Name Type Default Description
color string Hex string of the default color value.
alpha float/int 1 Integer or float value of the default alpha level.

# Build Config

Build a Custom Configuration →
Changes you make to this form will be reflected in the generated code.
Field visibility requirements.

Redux::set_field( 'OPT_NAME', 'SECTION_ID', array(
    'type' => 'color_rgba'
) );

# Example Config

Redux::set_field( 'OPT_NAME', 'SECTION_ID', array(
    'id'        => 'opt-color-rgba',
    'type'      => 'color_rgba',
    'title'     => 'RGBA Color Picker',
    'subtitle'  => 'Set color and alpha channel',
    'desc'      => 'The caption of this button may be changed to whatever you like!',

    // See the Notes below about these lines.
    // 'output'    => array('background-color' => '.site-header'),
    // 'compiler'  => array('color' => '.site-header, .site-footer', 'background-color' => '.nav-bar'),
    'default'   => array(
        'color'     => '#fdfdfd',
        'alpha'     => 1

    // These options display a fully functional color palette.  Omit this argument
    // for the minimal color picker, and change as desired.
    'options'       => array(
        'show_input'                => true,
        'show_initial'              => true,
        'show_alpha'                => true,
        'show_palette'              => true,
        'show_palette_only'         => false,
        'show_selection_palette'    => true,
        'max_palette_size'          => 10,
        'allow_empty'               => true,
        'clickout_fires_change'     => false,
        'choose_text'               => 'Choose',
        'cancel_text'               => 'Cancel',
        'show_buttons'              => true,
        'use_extended_classes'      => true,
        'palette'                   => null,  // show default
        'input_text'                => 'Select Color'
) );


Different elements (or modes) may be specified in the output and compiler arguments as key/pair values. For example, suppose you want to output a color as a background-color, instead of color. The following output array in key/pair format would achieve this:

'output' => array(
    'background-color' => '.site-header'

Alternatively, multiple elements could be specified for different selectors.

'output' => array(
    'background-color' => '.site-header',
    'color'            => '.site-footer'

Multiple selectors are also supported. Separate them with commas.

'output' => array(
    'background-color' => '.site-header, .site-footer'

# Example Usage

Using the example above, outputting the color would go as follows (Please remember to replace redux_demo with your own opt_name argument):

global $redux_demo;

echo 'color: ' . $redux_demo['opt-color-rgba']['color']; // #fdfdfd
echo 'alpha: ' . $redux_demo['opt-color-rgba']['alpha']; // 1
echo 'rgba: '  . $redux_demo['opt-color-rgba']['rgba'];  // rgba(253, 253, 253, 1)

# Color Palettes

Creating a custom palette for use within with color picker popup (container) requires setting a series of color arrays with string hex values within a single array. The color_rgba field comes pre-programmed with the following palette.

'palette' => array(
    array("#000000", "#434343", "#666666", "#999999", "#b7b7b7", "#cccccc", "#d9d9d9", "#efefef", "#f3f3f3", "#ffffff"),
    array("#980000", "#ff0000", "#ff9900", "#ffff00", "#00ff00", "#00ffff", "#4a86e8", "#0000ff", "#9900ff", "#ff00ff"),
    array("#e6b8af", "#f4cccc", "#fce5cd", "#fff2cc", "#d9ead3", "#d9ead3", "#c9daf8", "#cfe2f3", "#d9d2e9", "#ead1dc"),
    array("#dd7e6b", "#ea9999", "#f9cb9c", "#ffe599", "#b6d7a8", "#a2c4c9", "#a4c2f4", "#9fc5e8", "#b4a7d6", "#d5a6bd"),
    array("#cc4125", "#e06666", "#f6b26b", "#ffd966", "#93c47d", "#76a5af", "#6d9eeb", "#6fa8dc", "#8e7cc3", "#c27ba0"),
    array("#a61c00", "#cc0000", "#e69138", "#f1c232", "#6aa84f", "#45818e", "#3c78d8", "#3d85c6", "#674ea7", "#a64d79"),
    array("#85200c", "#990000", "#b45f06", "#bf9000", "#38761d", "#134f5c", "#1155cc", "#0b5394", "#351c75", "#741b47"),
    array("#5b0f00", "#660000", "#783f04", "#7f6000", "#274e13", "#0c343d", "#1c4587", "#073763", "#20124d", "#4c1130")

Here are some other example palettes to experiment with:

# GMail style

'palette' => array(

# Snag-It Style

'palette' => array(
    array("#ffffff", "#000000", "#c00000", "#f79646", "#f5f445", "#7fd13b", "#4bacc6", "#1f497d", "#8064a2", "#ff0000"),
    array("#f2f2f2", "#7f7f7f", "#f8d1d3", "#fdeada", "#fafdd7", "#e5f5d7", "#dbeef3", "#c6d9f0", "#e5e0ec", "#ffcc00"),
    array("#d7d7d7", "#595959", "#f2a3a7", "#fbd5b5", "#fbfaae", "#cbecb0", "#b7dde8", "#8db3e2", "#ccc1d9", "#ffff00"),
    array("#bebebe", "#414141", "#eb757b", "#fac08f", "#eef98e", "#b2e389", "#92cddc", "#548dd4", "#b2a2c7", "#00ff00"),
    array("#a3a3a3", "#2a2a2a", "#a3171e", "#e36c09", "#dede07", "#5ea226", "#31859b", "#17365d", "#5f497a", "#0000ff"),
    array("#7e7e7e", "#141414", "#6d0f14", "#974806", "#c0c00d", "#3f6c19", "#205867", "#0f243e", "#3f3151", "#9900ff")

# Newton Style

'palette' => array(
"#ffffff", "#000000", "#ff0000", "#ff8000", "#ffff00", "#008000", "#0000ff", "#4b0082", "#9400d3"

# AOL Style

'palette' => array(
    array("#ffffff", "#fff7de", "#ffffce", "#ffffbd", "#ffffd6", "#b5ff84", "#c6efde", "#efffff", "#efe7f7", "#dea5d6");
    array("#ded6c6", "#ffc6bd", "#ffe7b5", "#ffe7a5", "#efef7b", "#adf77b", "#5abd9c", "#a5d6f7", "#8494e7", "#ef7be7");
    array("#cec6b5", "#e78473", "#efad52", "#f7b500", "#efef9c", "#a5ff00", "#7bd6bd", "#a5d6de", "#8c5ae7", "#de6bce");
    array("#8c8473", "#ef0018", "#ef4210", "#f79400", "#ffff00", "#63d600", "#a5c684", "#5a63d6", "#7b52c6", "#c642ce");
    array("#736b63", "#d60039", "#d67310", "#f7844a", "#f7de00", "#429400", "#4a944a", "#4200ff", "#9c00de", "#a500c6");
    array("#39524a", "#b51821", "#944a08", "#a55229", "#8c8c00", "#318c00", "#429484", "#3100c6", "#523984", "#940084");
    array("#000000", "#940008", "#840008", "#ad2929", "#637321", "#296b00", "#29006b", "#21007b", "#52007b", "#84007b");

# Old GMail Style

'palette' => array(
    array("#ffffff", "#cecece", "#c6c6c6", "#9c9c9c", "#636363", "#313131", "#000000"),
    array("#ffcece", "#ff6363", "#ff0000", "#ce0000", "#9c0000", "#630000", "#310000"),
    array("#ffce9c", "#ff9c63", "#ff9c00", "#ff6300", "#ce6300", "#9c3100", "#633100"),
    array("#ffff9c", "#ffff63", "#ffce63", "#ffce31", "#ce9c31", "#9c6331", "#633131"),
    array("#ffffce", "#ffff31", "#ffff00", "#ffce00", "#9c9c00", "#636300", "#313100"),
    array("#9cff9c", "#63ff9c", "#31ff31", "#31ce00", "#009c00", "#006300", "#003100"),
    array("#9cffff", "#31ffff", "#63cece", "#00cece", "#319c9c", "#316363", "#003131"),
    array("#ceffff", "#63ffff", "#31ceff", "#3163ff", "#3131ff", "#00009c", "#000063"),
    array("#ceceff", "#9c9cff", "#6363ce", "#6331ff", "#6300ce", "#31319c", "#31009c"),
    array("#ffceff", "#ff9cff", "#ce63ce", "#ce31ce", "#9c319c", "#633163", "#310031"),

# Hotmail Style

'palette' => array(
    array("#ffffff", "#000000", "#efefe7", "#184a7b", "#4a84bd", "#c6524a", "#9cbd5a", "#8463a5", "#4aadc6", "#f79442"),
    array("#f7f7f7", "#7b7b7b", "#dedec6", "#c6def7", "#dee7f7", "#f7dede", "#eff7de", "#e7e7ef", "#deeff7", "#ffefde"),
    array("#dedede", "#5a5a5a", "#c6bd94", "#8cb5e7", "#bdcee7", "#e7bdb5", "#d6e7bd", "#cec6de", "#b5deef", "#ffd6b5"),
    array("#bdbdbd", "#393939", "#948c52", "#528cd6", "#94b5d6", "#de9494", "#c6d69c", "#b5a5c6", "#94cede", "#ffc68c"),
    array("#a5a5a5", "#212121", "#4a4229", "#10315a", "#316394", "#943131", "#739439", "#5a4a7b", "#31849c", "#e76b08"),
    array("#848484", "#080808", "#181810", "#082139", "#214263", "#632121", "#4a6329", "#393152", "#215a63", "#944a00"),
    array("#c60000", "#ff0000", "#ffc600", "#ffff00", "#94d652", "#00b552", "#00b5f7", "#0073c6", "#002163", "#7331a5"),

# Yahoo Style

'palette' => array(
    array("#000000", "#111111", "#2d2d2d", "#434343", "#5b5b5b", "#737373", "#8b8b8b", "#a2a2a2", "#b9b9b9", "#d0d0d0", "#e6e6e6", "#ffffff"),
    array("#7f7f00", "#bfbf00", "#ffff00", "#ffff40", "#ffff80", "#ffffbf", "#525330", "#898a49", "#aea945", "#c3be71", "#e0dcaa", "#fcfae1"),
    array("#407f00", "#60bf00", "#80ff00", "#a0ff40", "#c0ff80", "#dfffbf", "#3b5738", "#668f5a", "#7f9757", "#8a9b55", "#b7c296", "#e6ebd5"),
    array("#007f40", "#00bf60", "#00ff80", "#40ffa0", "#80ffc0", "#bfffdf", "#033d21", "#438059", "#7fa37c", "#8dae94", "#acc6b5", "#ddebe2"),
    array("#007f7f", "#00bfbf", "#00ffff", "#40ffff", "#80ffff", "#bfffff", "#033d3d", "#347d7e", "#609a9f", "#96bdc4", "#b5d1d7", "#e2f1f4"),
    array("#00407f", "#0060bf", "#0080ff", "#40a0ff", "#80c0ff", "#bfdfff", "#1b2c48", "#385376", "#57708f", "#7792ac", "#a8bed1", "#deebf6"),
    array("#00007f", "#0000bf", "#0000ff", "#4040ff", "#8080ff", "#bfbfff", "#212143", "#373e68", "#444f75", "#585e82", "#8687a4", "#d2d1e1"),
    array("#40007f", "#6000bf", "#8000ff", "#a040ff", "#c080ff", "#dfbfff", "#302449", "#54466f", "#655a7f", "#726284", "#9e8fa9", "#dcd1df"),
    array("#7f007f", "#bf00bf", "#ff00ff", "#ff40ff", "#ff80ff", "#ffbfff", "#4a234a", "#794a72", "#936386", "#9d7292", "#c0a0b6", "#ecdae5"),
    array("#7f003f", "#bf005f", "#ff007f", "#ff409f", "#ff80bf", "#ffbfdf", "#451528", "#823857", "#a94a76", "#bc6f95", "#d8a5bb", "#f7dde9"),
    array("#800000", "#c00000", "#ff0000", "#ff4040", "#ff8080", "#ffc0c0", "#441415", "#82393c", "#aa4d4e", "#bc6e6e", "#d8a3a4", "#f8dddd"),
    array("#7f3f00", "#bf5f00", "#ff7f00", "#ff9f40", "#ffbf80", "#ffdfbf", "#482c1b", "#855a40", "#b27c51", "#c49b71", "#e1c4a8", "#fdeee0"),

# Sixteen Style

'palette' => array(
    array("#000000", "#000084", "#0000ff", "#840000"),
    array("#840084", "#008200", "#ff0000", "#008284"),
    array("#ff00ff", "#848200", "#848284", "#00ff00"),
    array("#ffa600", "#00ffff", "#c6c3c6", "#ffff00"),

# Websafe Style

'palette' => array(
    array("#000", "#300", "#600", "#900", "#c00", "#f00"),
    array("#003", "#303", "#603", "#903", "#c03", "#f03"),
    array("#006", "#306", "#606", "#906", "#c06", "#f06"),
    array("#009", "#309", "#609", "#909", "#c09", "#f09"),
    array("#00c", "#30c", "#60c", "#90c", "#c0c", "#f0c"),
    array("#00f", "#30f", "#60f", "#90f", "#c0f", "#f0f"),
    array("#030", "#330", "#630", "#930", "#c30", "#f30"),
    array("#033", "#333", "#633", "#933", "#c33", "#f33"),
    array("#036", "#336", "#636", "#936", "#c36", "#f36"),
    array("#039", "#339", "#639", "#939", "#c39", "#f39"),
    array("#03c", "#33c", "#63c", "#93c", "#c3c", "#f3c"),
    array("#03f", "#33f", "#63f", "#93f", "#c3f", "#f3f"),
    array("#060", "#360", "#660", "#960", "#c60", "#f60"),
    array("#063", "#363", "#663", "#963", "#c63", "#f63"),
    array("#066", "#366", "#666", "#966", "#c66", "#f66"),
    array("#069", "#369", "#669", "#969", "#c69", "#f69"),
    array("#06c", "#36c", "#66c", "#96c", "#c6c", "#f6c"),
    array("#06f", "#36f", "#66f", "#96f", "#c6f", "#f6f"),
    array("#090", "#390", "#690", "#990", "#c90", "#f90"),
    array("#093", "#393", "#693", "#993", "#c93", "#f93"),
    array("#096", "#396", "#696", "#996", "#c96", "#f96"),
    array("#099", "#399", "#699", "#999", "#c99", "#f99"),
    array("#09c", "#39c", "#69c", "#99c", "#c9c", "#f9c"),
    array("#09f", "#39f", "#69f", "#99f", "#c9f", "#f9f"),
    array("#0c0", "#3c0", "#6c0", "#9c0", "#cc0", "#fc0"),
    array("#0c3", "#3c3", "#6c3", "#9c3", "#cc3", "#fc3"),
    array("#0c6", "#3c6", "#6c6", "#9c6", "#cc6", "#fc6"),
    array("#0c9", "#3c9", "#6c9", "#9c9", "#cc9", "#fc9"),
    array("#0cc", "#3cc", "#6cc", "#9cc", "#ccc", "#fcc"),
    array("#0cf", "#3cf", "#6cf", "#9cf", "#ccf", "#fcf"),
    array("#0f0", "#3f0", "#6f0", "#9f0", "#cf0", "#ff0"),
    array("#0f3", "#3f3", "#6f3", "#9f3", "#cf3", "#ff3"),
    array("#0f6", "#3f6", "#6f6", "#9f6", "#cf6", "#ff6"),
    array("#0f9", "#3f9", "#6f9", "#9f9", "#cf9", "#ff9"),
    array("#0fc", "#3fc", "#6fc", "#9fc", "#cfc", "#ffc"),
    array("#0ff", "#3ff", "#6ff", "#9ff", "#cff", "#fff")