# Background

The Background field offers unmatched features not found in any other option framework. Users will be able to present the background designs found in professionally authored pages with a few simple clicks.

# Arguments

type string background Controls the field type
default string See Default Argument below.
select2 array Array of select2 arguments. Select2 Documentation (opens new window).
background-color bool true Flag to display the background color picker.
background-repeat bool true Flag to display the background repeat select field.
background-attachment bool true Flag to display the background attachment select field.
background-position bool true Flag to display the background position select field.
background-image bool true Flag to display the background image media uploader.
background-clip bool false Flag to display the background clip select field.
background-origin bool false Flag to display the background origin select field.
background-size bool true Flag to display the background size select field.
preview_media bool false Flag to display background media preview.
preview bool true Flag to display the background preview box.
preview_height string 200px String to set background preview height.
transparent bool true Flag to display background color transparency checkbox.

# Default Argument

Type Description
background-color string Hex string representing the default background color.
background-repeat string String representing the default background repeat value. Accepts: no-repeat repeat repeat-x repeat-y inherit
background-attachment string String representing the default background attachment value. Accepts: fixed scroll inherit
background-position string String representing the default background position value. Accepts: left top left center left bottom center top center center center bottom right top right center right bottom.
background-image string URL string representing the default background image value.
background-clip string String representing the default background clip value. Accepts: inherit border-box content-box padding-box.
background-origin string String representing the default background origin value. Accepts: inherit border-box content-box padding-box.
background size string String representing the default background size value. Accepts: inherit cover contain.
media array Array of default background media information. See table below.

# Default Media Array Options

Name Type Description
id string A unique identifier.
width string String value setting the width of the image.
height string String value setting the height of the image.
thumbnail string URL string value to the image thumbnail.

# Build Config

Build a Custom Configuration →
Changes you make to this form will be reflected in the generated code.
Field visibility requirements.

Redux::set_field( 'OPT_NAME', 'SECTION_ID', array(
    'type' => 'background'
) );

# Example Config

Redux::set_field( 'OPT_NAME', 'SECTION_ID', array(         
    'id'       => 'opt-background',
    'type'     => 'background',
    'title'    => esc_html__('Body Background', 'your-project-name'),
    'subtitle' => esc_html__('Body background with image, color, etc.', 'your-project-name'),
    'desc'     => esc_html__('This is the description field, again good for additional info.', 'your-project-name'),
    'default'  => array(
        'background-color' => '#1e73be',
) );

# Example Usage

This example in based on the code above. Be sure to change $redux_demo to the value you specified in your opt_name argument.

global $redux_demo;

// Background color
echo 'background color: '      . $redux_demo['opt-background']['background-color'];

// Background image.
echo 'background image: '      . $redux_demo['opt-background']['background-image'];

// Background image options
echo 'background repeat: '     . $redux_demo['opt-background']['background-repeat'];
echo 'background position: '   . $redux_demo['opt-background']['background-position'];
echo 'background size: '       . $redux_demo['opt-background']['background-size'];
echo 'background attachment: ' . $redux_demo['opt-background']['background-attachment'];

// Media values
echo 'image height: '          . $redux_demo['opt-background']['media']['height'];
echo 'image width: '           . $redux_demo['opt-background']['media']['width'];
echo 'image thumbnail: '       . $redux_demo['opt-background']['media']['thumbnail'];