# Icon Select field

The entire purpose of the Icon Select field is to reduce time as a developer by feeding a web font CSS file via a URL and having it automatically parse the font class names. If required, specify a font prefix, and Icon Select will also auto-append it. Ultimately, a fully functional class is output within the HTML of the theme. Icon Select will also enqueue the specified CSS file in the admin and/or front end.

Getting Started

To understand how to use extensions, read this article on Using Extensions. Please understand that a working knowledge of PHP and CSS is required to use this extension properly. Should you not be familiar with one or the other (or both), please refer to the following guides to get you started: Getting Started with PHP (opens new window),
CSS Introduction (opens new window).

# Arguments

By default, if you do not specify any particular arguments, Icon Select will load the FontAwesome, Elusive, and Dashicons sets already included with Redux and WordPress. It will also enqueue this font in the front end, so you can begin working with icons instantly. Alternatively, you can also provide any of the arguments below for a more customized experience.

Name Type Default Description
type string icon_select Value idenfitying the field type.
id string Unique ID identifying the field. Must be different from all other field IDs.
title string Displays the title of the field.
subtitle string Subtitle display of the field, situated beneath the title.
desc string Description of the field, appearing beneath the field control.
class string Appends any number of classes to the field's class attribute.
default string Specify a full font class name with the prefix as well
stylesheet array Array of options that sets an entry into the Icon Select field. See Stylesheet Options below.
enqueue bool true You can disable the enqueing of this font in the admin panel, but I don’t know why anyone would want to do that.
enqueue_frontend bool true Use this to disable the enqueuing of your font in the front-end if you’ve already done so in your own code.
compiler bool false Flag to run the compiler hook.
required array Provide the parent, comparison operator, and value which affects the field's visibility.
hint array Array containing the content and optional title arguments for the hint tooltip.

# Stylesheet Options

We've included four example in the Redux sample config and is show below. You are also free to use the examples in your project.

Name Type Default Description
url string URL to the stylesheet containing the font icons.
title string The title of the font icon set to appear in the Icon Select dropdown.
class string (Optional) Some font frameworks append a class prefix to denote their class. Specify that class prefix here. For example, Elusive Font requires the class prefix el.
icons array (Optional) Specify an array of fonts to bypass the auto-parsing of CSS font icon stylesheets. Include base class name if needed. Example: array( 'font-name-1', 'font-name-2', 'etc' )
exclude array (Optional) Icons to exclude from the font set. Must be in array format. Example: array( 'icon-to-exclude1', 'icon-to-exclude-2', 'etc' )
regex array It's possible Icon Select's CSS parser may not always work with all icon set styles sheets. Specify a reguar expression pattern here if needed. This is an advanced feature that requires knowledge of Regular Expression (opens new window). We do not offer support for building working RegEx patterns. Use https://regex101.com (opens new window) to build and test RegEx patterns.

# Example Config

        'id'               => 'icon-select',
        'type'             => 'icon_select',
        'title'            => esc_html__( 'Icon Select', 'your-textdomain-here' ),
        'subtitle'         => esc_html__( 'Select an icon.', 'your-textdomain-here' ),
        // Default icon.
        'default'          => 'fas fa-1',

        // Enable/disable auto-enqueue of stylesheet in the admin panel.
        'enqueue'          => true,

        // Enable/disable auto-enqueue of stylesheet on the front end.
        'enqueue_frontend' => false,

        // Stylesheet data.
        'stylesheet'       => array(
                'url'    => 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/MaterialDesign-Webfont/7.2.96/css/materialdesignicons.css',
                'title'  => 'Material Icons',
                'prefix' => 'mdi-set',
                'url'    => 'https://icons.getbootstrap.com/assets/font/bootstrap-icons.min.css',
                'title'  => 'Bootstrap',
                'prefix' => 'bi',
                'url'    => 'https://cdn.lineicons.com/4.0/lineicons.css',
                'title'  => 'Line Icons',
                'prefix' => 'lni',
                'url'    => 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/devicons/[email protected]/devicon.min.css',
                'title'  => 'Dev Icons',
                'prefix' => '', // None needed.

# Example Usage

This example in based on the example usage provided above. Be sure to change $redux_demo to the value you specified in your opt_name argument.

global $redux_demo;

echo '<i class="' . $redux_demo['icon-select'] . '"></i>';

# Filter

In the event alternative output is required in the Icon Select field, the following filter may be applied. Please remember to replce opt_name with your project's opt_name.

Tag Value Extra Args
'redux/extension/icon_select/{opt_name}/output` $output (string)
The output string to replace the icon render HTML.
$icon (string)
The name of the outputted icon.

$class (string)
The prefix class of the font set.

The name of the currently selected icon set.

# Filter Example

The example assumes the project's opt_name is redux_demo.

add_filter( 'redux/extension/icon_select/redux_demo/output', 'redux_modify_icon_output', 10, 4 );

function redux_modify_icon_output( $output, $icon, $class, $selected_font_set ) {

    // We only want to filter output for a specific icon set, 
    // otherwise the icons for every icon set will be affected.
    if ( 'My Font Set' === $selected_font_set ) {
        // Let's say the icon name needs to be output for the <i> tag.
        // We'd make that change here.
        return '<i title="' . esc_attr( $icon ) . '" class="' . esc_attr( $class . ' ' . $icon ) . '" />' . esc_html( $icon ) . '</i>';