# Custom Fonts field

The Custom Fonts extension is for users to upload a .ttf, .woff, .otf, or .zip containing any of the aforementioned fonts. It will then generate whatever fonts it may need, and make the font accessible via the typography field within Redux. A custom font CSS file will be enqueued to the panel as well as the frontend.

# Arguments

Name Type Default Description
type string custom_fonts Value identifying the field type.
id string Unique ID identifying the field. Must be different from all other field IDs.
title string Displays title of the field.
subtitle string Subtitle display of the field, situated beneath the title.
desc string Description of the field, appearing beneath the field control.
class string Appends any number of classes to the field's class attribute.

# Example Config

		'title'      => esc_html__( 'Custom Fonts', 'your-textdomain-here' ),
		'desc'       => esc_html__( 'For full documentation on this field, visit: ', 'your-textdomain-here' ) . '<a href="https://devs.redux.io/core-extensions/custom-fonts.html" target="_blank">https://devs.redux.io/core-extensions/custom-fonts.html</a>',
		'subsection' => true,
		'fields'     => array(
				'id'   => 'custom_fonts',
				'type' => 'custom_fonts',
				'id'          => 'custom_fonts_typography',
				'type'        => 'typography',
				'title'       => esc_html__( 'Custom Fonts Typography', 'your-textdomain-here' ),
				'font-size'   => false,
				'line-height' => false,
				'text-align'  => false,

# Example Usage

This extension has no return value.